Desktop App CLI

How to use the Desktop App's built-in command line interface (CLI)

  • Updated on Jun 29, 2023

This article describes features - Desktop App CLI - that are currently in early preview. Breaking changes may occur as updates are made. Contact your account team to enable these features for your organization.

Banyan’s Desktop App CLI functionality has been deprecated in v.3.0 of the app.


Banyan CLI allows end users to run in-terminal commands to connect to Banyan services without interacting with the Banyan Desktop App. Also, using the Banyan CLI is helpful when automating common tasks, such as starting or stopping multiple services with a single command.

Install Banyan CLI

To install Banyan CLI add the following directory to your system’s PATH:

  • macOS - /Applications/
  • Windows - %PROGRAMFILES%\Banyan\resources\bin
  • Linux - /opt/Banyan/resources/bin/

To verify your installation, type bnn help and make sure the binary is executed.

Help text for the Banyan CLI

Additionally, you can set up autocomplete by running the following command and following the terminal-specific instructions: bnn completion --help

`bnn completion --help` setup instructions

Using Banyan CLI

The table below lists all actions and commands available with Banyan CLI.

Command Description
bnn completion Generates a script to configure autocompletion.
bnn help Displays help and available flags for a command.
bnn list Displays a summary of the available services.
bnn login Authorizes your Banyan App to connect to additional services.
bnn logout Invalidates your session for a given organization.
bnn ping Verifies your connection with the Banyan App.
bnn connect Connects the service with the given name.
bnn disconnect Disconnects the service with the given name.

Best Practices

Keep in mind the following helpful tips when using Banyan CLI:

  • Start any command with ping to make sure you have a valid connection. For example, bnn ping && bnn list.
  • Run the command -h or --help to display more information about and/or available flags for a command.

Help text (flags and instructions) for the `bnn connect` command

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